Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pirates of the Silicon Valley
- these movie tells about the story of the growth of the personal computers industry
- Bill Gates is a very very smart person, when he was in the apple's company he observe it.
and he is the richest man in the world
- Apple is the first company that publish by Steve Jobs
- Bill Gates was off is school doing wild things

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The History of the PHILIPPINES

The Philippines have 7,100 islands & have a total land area of 300,000 q. km. And majority of those people are half blooded or mixed blood because of these Spanish l and other countries who attempt to get our country.The National Language is FILIPINO ,although English also use for the education.And the Philippines is the 3rd largest English speaking country.The FILIPINO are very talented and friendly.

If i had a power to change the history of the Philippines.I will install the democracy uplift the Filipino by giving theme free education to the less fortunate treat them that peace and order will reign in our country.♥♥♥♥

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Early in the Moring

When i woke up earl in the morning.
First i fix my bed, then i wash my face and gargle my mouth.
After that i eat my breakfast.
Then i take a bath and toothbrush my teeth.
After taking a bath i wear my shoes,then i wait a tricycle to go school.
Then after my morning class i go home to eat my lunch and after eating my lunch i brush my teeth again.
Then go back to school to learn more.
Then after my afternon class i go home to clean our house.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Seven Broken Pieces

When dreams become greed;
Forcing you to get things you don't need
when admiration leads to envy;
and become you're own worst enemies
until you feel lust!!

and you're spirit turn into dust,
rain keeps you down
life is tiring
and sloth gives you nothing
you're all alone from beginning to end

cause prides just drives to pretend
gluttony kills you're biggest goal
you're hunger for love hide you're beautiful soul
finally you've destroyed all that's left in you

never letting go of you're anger
creating you're biggest danger
sitting all alone in you're old chair
with wrinkled has and graying hair
looking back at the pages
realizing you wanted all you're chances
blinded by this seven broken pieces

Thursday, June 4, 2009

ongo sa kanal

hellow evry one my name is aibec phyurel